Upcycled Foods FAQs

What is upcycled food?

Simply, upcycled food is the easy way for anyone to prevent food waste via the products they buy! Upcycled products prevent food waste by creating high quality products out of otherwise wasted food.

Formally, “Upcycled foods use ingredients that otherwise would not have gone to human consumption, are procured and produced using verifiable supply chains, and have a positive impact on the environment.” For more information regarding the definition of upcycled food, check out our white paper here!

What is the Upcycled Food Association?

Upcycled Food Association (UFA) is a nonprofit focused on preventing food waste by growing the upcycled food economy. UFA accomplishes this mission through four objectives: attracting more investment to the upcycled industry, improving the upcycled business network, improving the upcycled supply chain, and increasing consumer demand for upcycled products. UFA envisions a circular economy of food, in which millions of consumers prevent food waste via the products they buy.

How do upcycled foods help reduce food waste?

Upcycled food prevents food waste by elevating otherwise wasted food ingredients into new, high quality products. By avoiding food waste destinations, such as incinerators, animal feed, and landfills, upcycled food makes better use of the energy expended in growing, transporting, and preparing that food.

Are products and ingredients made with upcycled food good for the environment?

Yes! According to Project Drawdown, reducing food waste is the top solution to climate change. 8% of human-cause greenhouse gas emissions come from food loss and waste and 28% of agricultural land goes to grow food that is never eaten. Upcycled food is all about elevating food to its highest and best use. By upcycling foods, we help to reduce the 70 billion tons of greenhouse gases created from food loss and waste and feed a growing population with less deforestation and pressure on the environment.

How can I get involved?

Educate yourself on all of the ways that you can help prevent food waste: subscribe to our newsletter, follow our social channels and spread the word about upcycled food! You can make an impact with simple meal planning and by purchasing Upcycled Food Association member products.